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Lawn Treatments in Crosby and Liverpool at Affordable Prices!

Lawn Treatments Crosby and Liverpool by LawnQuestBeing made to stay at home during the pandemic, prompted many of us to reassess what’s important. Many realised that the simple things such as being outside and close to nature were what made us happy, and it is a known fact that it can boost wellbeing. As a result, since then over 7 million people have taken up gardening and are spending a little more money caring for their outside space which includes their lawns.

If you are one of the 7 million people spending more time outside in your garden, you will no doubt want it to look healthy and lush, but this takes time and effort, and with the pandemic a thing of the past, and many people back in work, finding the time to care for your lawn can be a struggle. That’s when LawnQuest can help.

While your lawn might get the most use during the summer months, it’s not just during this time of the year, but also throughout the year, that LawnQuest provides a wide range of lawn treatments in Crosby and Liverpool. We apply a range of seasonal lawn treatments in Crosby and Liverpool that are tailored around the time of year and conditions that your lawn might be experiencing.

In addition, we adapt our lawn treatments in Crosby and Liverpool in order to address the specific needs of the grass in your lawn. We understand that no two lawns are the same and so the grass and the soil in your garden will have specific requirements. We will apply treatments that ensure the soil has all the nutrients in it to feed and sustain the grass.
The first part of the process is to visit you at your home and assess the condition of the grass. Based on this we will put together a treatment plan designed to help your lawn achieve optimum health. Alongside this we will also highlight other issues that your lawn might be experiencing. Common problems include moss, weeds and lawn disease. We are familiar with a wide range of treatments to combat these problems, however we only ever start a treatment programme once it has been agreed with you. We always use the latest and best products available as we keep up to date with developments in lawn care products.

Lawn Feed that Keeps Your Lawn Looking Healthy All Year Round

While shampoo cleans your hair, removing the dirt, it’s the conditioner that puts back in the proteins and natural oils that your hair needs to keep it looking healthy and shiny. Lawn feed does the same. It acts as a conditioner, putting back into the soil all the nutrients that the grass needs to grow healthy and strong.

Just as you should regularly use conditioner on your hair, lawn feed should be regularly applied to your lawn. This will help it to grow thick, strong and greener and enable it to fight off weeds. Even in the winter, lawn feed should be applied. That’s because your lawn is under siege, battling against rain and frost. A fertilizer containing low nitrogen but with plenty of potassium and iron is a good option for strengthening the grass and giving it some long-term nutrients. Maintaining the health of your lawn throughout the year, will make it more able to out compete anything that could potentially kill it off or weaken it, such as lawn disease, weeds or moss.

In the long-term applying a regular treatment of lawn feed will enhance your soil health and improve soil foundation which will help the grass to grow healthy. If you would like to find out more about lawn treatments and lawn feed, please give us a ring on 0800 112 3970.

The Last Enemy of Your Garden, Moss, will Be Done Away, with Moss Treatments in Crosby and Liverpool!

Given the right conditions and moss can easily outperform grass growth. The ongoing issue with most gardens in the UK is that they offer just the right conditions for moss to thrive. It will overtake the grass causing it to be unable to withstand the heavy wear and tear of the summer months, which will in turn leave your lawn looking tired and patchy. So, what’s the solution?

There is a saying “prevention is better than cure” so the best way to treat moss is to prevent it from growing in the first place. It’s a fact that moss can grow on any type of soil as it is very adaptable. However, it particularly likes the type of soil that grass doesn’t – compacted soil, with poor drainage and low fertility, insufficient light and extremes of pH level. These are all common causes of moss growth, so resolve these and you are halfway to sorting out the problem. This can be done by using a range of moss treatments in Crosby and Liverpool. For example, aerating the soil to improve the drainage. It improves air and water flow to the roots of the grass too. Scarifying the lawn also helps to remove any thatch that has built up. Reseeding shady areas with a grass seed that is specially formulated for growing in areas of low light will all help to combat moss. These are all moss treatments in Crosby and Liverpool that LawnQuest can discuss with you.

In addition, using Iron Sulphate will effectively kill moss in just a few days and so is one of the effective moss treatments in Crosby and Liverpool, however it can make the soil more acidic, so can be counterbalanced by using lawn lime.

Getting rid of moss takes time and effort but to prevent it from returning takes even more time and effort as your lawn needs to be well maintained. However, it’s worth it because a healthy lawn will often take care of itself and pests like moss will struggle to take hold so let LawnQuest help.

Contact LawnQuest today

Contact us to request a free lawn analysis and quote.

Need help with your lawn? Call: 0800 112 3970